Theme: 02_The Archaeological Record
May, S.C.
, V. Crosby Holy Grail or Poison Chalice? Challenges in Implementing Digital Excavation Recording
Santoriello, A.
, F. Scelza The EKFRASYS: a New Proposal of an Archaeological Information System
Cripps, P.
, K. May To OO or not to OO? Revelations from Ontological Modelling of an Archaeological Information System
Doerr, M., K. Schaller
, M. Theodoridou Integration of Complementary Archaeological Sources
Doerr, M., A. Kritsotaki
, S. Stead Which Period is it? A Methodology to Create Thesauri of Historical Periods
Bonghi Jovino, M., G. Bagnasco Gianni, L.G. Perego, E. Bertino, P. Mazzoleni
, S. Valtolina A Computer-Aided System for Dynamic Pottery Classification Using XML
Jordal, E., J. Holmen, S.A. Olsen
, C.-E. Ore From XML-tagged Acquisition Catalogues to an Event-based Relational Database
Brunn, A.
, M. Schaich ArchaeoCAD, ArchaeoMAP, ArchaeoDATA – An Integrated Archaeological Information System
Schlader, A., S.E. Lohse, C. Schou
, A. Strickland SIGGI-AACS, a Prototype for Archaeological Artifact Classification Using Computerized Agents
Dam, C., T. Austin
, J. Kenny Breaking Down National Barriers: ARENA – A Portal to European Heritage Information
Vernicos, N., G. Pavlogeorgatos, E. Kavakli, D.C. Papadopoulos, E.C. Mavrikas
, S. Bakogianni FCS_WORD: Conceptual and Technical Framework for the Collaborative Documentation, Management and Presentation of Cultural Statistics, Activities and Research on the Web
Lange, A.G.
Artefacts: Starters for Standards
Mategari, G.
, T. Quirino From a Relational Database to an Integrated System: a Milan University Project
Eide, Ø., J. Holmen
, A.B. Høy-Petersen Between the Book and the Exhibition. Creating Archaeological Presentations Based on Database Information
Bergamaschi, C.
, A. Rossi Data Management of Preservation Activities on Archaeological Sites