CAA 1987 Proceedings
Ringrose, T.
Correspondence Analysis As an Exploratory Technique for Stratigraphic Abundance Data
Gob, A.
Multivariate Analysis of Lithic Industries: the Influence of Typology
Bertelsen, R.
The Finds Pattern of Archaeological Excavations: Correspondence Analysis as Explorative Tool
Tomber, R.
Multivariate Statistics and Assemblage Comparison
Laxton, R.R.
Some Results on Mathematical Seriation with Applications
Rodgers, P.
Multi-Response Permutation Procedures
Vaughan, S.
, D. Guppy From Sherds to Blocks: Statistics and the Archaeological Sample
Fletcher, M.
, M. Atwell How Many Tombs Make a Site?
Avery, M.
DATRAN: Analysing Radiocarbon Dates
Fieller, N.
, E. Flenley Statistical Analysis of Particle Sizes and Sediments
Fletcher, M.
, P. Reilly Viking Settlers in the Isle of Man: Simulation Experiments
Mithen, S.J.
Simulation as a Methodological Tool: Inferring Hunting Goals from Faunal Assemblages
Freeman, P.
How to Simulate If You Must
Leese, M.N.
Methods for Finding Calendar Date Bands from Multiple-Valued Radiocarbon Calibration Curves
Brodlie, K.W.
Standardisation in Computer Graphics: an Introduction to GKS
Harris, T.
Digital Terrain Modelling and Three-Dimensional Surface Graphics for Landscape and Site Analysis in Archaeology and Regional Planning
Reilly, P.
, J. Richards New Perspectives on Sutton Hoo: the Potential of 3-D Graphics
Spicer, D.
Computer Graphics and the Perception of Archaeological Information: Lies, Damned Statistics … and Graphics!
Fletcher, M.
, D. Spicer Experiments with Gridded Survey Data
Boismier, W.A.
, P. Reilly Expanding the Role of Computer Graphics in the Analysis of Survey Data
Baker, K.G.
Towards an Archaeological Methodology for Expert Systems
Doran, J.
Expert Systems and Archaeology: What Lies Ahead?
Main, P.L.
Accessing Outline Shape Information Efficiently within a Large Database II: Database Compaction Techniques
Jones, L.D.
Some Computer Applications to Petrological Analysis of Pottery
Martlew, R.
Optical Disc Storage: Another Can of Worms?
Huggett, J.
Compacting Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Data
Høy, G.
From Hand-Written Archive to Computer-Readable Data
Stead, S.D.
The Integrated Archaeological Database
Winterflood, A.R., G.G. Wilkinson
, M. Rhodes The Development of a Bibliographic Information Retrieval System for Archaeological Reports Using Thesauri
Girdwood, A.
Phototypesetting and Desk-Top Publishing Systems in Archaeology