CAA 2008 Proceedings
Agapiou, A., N. Doulamis, A. Georgopoulos, M. Ioannides
, C. Ioannidis Three-Dimensional Reconstruction for Cultural Heritage Visualization: Application to the Byzantine Churches of Cyprus
Alexakis, D., A. Sarris, T. Astaras
, D. Oikonomidis Detection of Neolithic Settlements in Thessaly, Greece through Multispectral and Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery
Barton, J.
, P. Wordsworth Multi-Scalar GIS at Merv, Turkmenistan: Bringing it All Together
Battini, C.
Mobile Devices: Manage, Organize and Share Information from Anywhere. The Example of the Great Thermal Baths of Villa Adriana
Beale, G.C.
Visualising Discourse: An Approach to Archaeological Uncertainty. Interpretation and Reconstruction of the Grandi Magazzini di Settimio Severo at Portus, Italy
Benazzi, S., M. Orlandi, C. Bonetti
, G. Grupponi Evaluating Humeral Bilateral Asymmetry by Means of a Virtual 3D Approach
Beusing, R.
VR-based Information System for Managing the Uncertain in Archaeology. The NetConnect-Project
Bödőcs, A.
r.calc.ItinerariumAntonini” Raster Based GIS Survey on Pannonian Mileage Data of Itinerarium Antonini
Cavers, G., J. Henderson, J. Barber
, A. Heald Towards a Total Archaeological Record: Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Archaeological Recording at Keiss, Caithness, Scotland
Corns, A.
, R. Shaw High Resolution Airborne LiDAR for the Recording of Archaeological Monuments
Cothren, J., D. Fredrick, W.F. Limp, T. De Noble, A. Barnes, C. Goodmaster
, C. Stevens Visualizing the Roman City: Viewing the Past Through Multidisciplinary Eyes
Crema, E.R.
Aoristic Approaches and Voxel Models for Spatial Analysis
Csippán, P.
TOOLACE 1.0, a Microsoft Access Based Multi-Disciplinary Application in Prehistoric Bone Tool Research
Czajlik, Z.
, B. Holl Contributions to the GIS Background of Field Surveys in Archaeologically Less Known Areas
De Runz, C., E. Desjardin, F. Piantoni
, M. Herbin Towards Handling Uncertainty of Excavation Data into a GIS
De Silva, M.
Synergy and Interaction: The Value of Using Historical Sources in Archaeological Landscape Studies
Di Ludivico, A.
Experimental Approaches to Glyptic Art Using Artificial Neural Networks. An Investigation into the Ur III Iconological Context
Di Tondo, S.
, S. Nicoli Digital Survey and Investigations into the Shape of the Ribbed Vault of the Serapeo at Hadrian’s Villa (Tivoli, Italy)
Eckkrammer, F., R. Feldbacher
, T. Eckkrammer Cidoc CRM in Data Management and Data Sharing. Data Sharing between Different Databases
Eke, I.
, Kvassay, J. Primary Experiences of Using Mobile GIS Application in Field Survey, and Integration into an Archaeological GIS in Zala County, Hungary
Eliuk, S.
, P. Boulanger Algorithmic Reconstruction of Broken Fragments
Fantini, F.
, S. Pini Villa Adriana’s Serapeum: Optimized 3D Models for Knowledge and Distribution of Archaeological Sites
Farjas,M., J.G. Rejas, F. Burillo, R. López, M.A. Cano, M.E. Sáiz, T. Mostaza
, J.J. Zancajo Short Range Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Application in the Celtiberian City of Segeda
Fiz, I., J.M. Palet
, H.A. Orengo The Making of the Roman Landscape: Conceptual Investigations into the Genesis of Centuriated Field Systems
Flaten, A.
Ashes2Art: A Pedagogical Case Study in Digital Humanities
Gabellone, F., I. Ferrari, F. Giuri
, M. Limoncelli Virtual Cerrate: A DVR-Based Knowledge Platform for an Archaeological Complex of the Byzantine Age
Gill, A.A.
“Chattering” in the Baths: The Urban Greek Bathing Establishment and Social Discourse in Classical Antiquity
Green, C.
It’s about Time: Temporality and Intra-Site GIS
Guccini, G., F. Piras
, F. Susca The Elephant Rock, from the Survey to the Modelling
Helling, H., C. Steinmetz, E. Solomon
, B. Frischer The Port Royal Project. A Case Study in the Use of VR Technology for the Recontextualization of Archaeological Artifacts and Building Remains in a Museum Setting
Herzog, I.
, A. Posluschny Tilt – Slope-Dependent Least Cost Path Calculations Revisited
Hiebel, G.
, K. Hanke Concept for an Ontology Based Web GIS Information System for HiMAT
Holl, B.
, J. Szentpéteri Creation of a GIS Database for the Archaeological Investigation of a Major Administrative Centre in the Carpathian Basin: Solt-Tételhegy (County Bács-Kiskun, Hungary)
Hörr, C., E. Lindinger
, G. Brunnett Considerations on Technical Sketch Generation from 3D Scanned Cultural Heritage
Hörr, C., E. Lindinger
, G. Brunnett New Paradigms for Automated Classification of Pottery
Husi, P.
, X. Rodier ArSol: An Archaeological Data Processing System
Jeffrey, S., J. Richards, F. Ciravegna, S. Waller, S. Chapman, Z. Zhang
, A. Austin When Ontology and Reality Collide: The Archaeotools Project, Faceted Classification and Natural Language Processing in an Archaeological Context
Johnson, I.
Heurist: a Web 2.0 Approach to Integrating Research, Teaching and Web Publishing
Kaimaris, D., O. Georgoula
, G. Karadedos The Locating of an Unknown Archaeological Site in the Valley of Filippi, Eastern Macedonia, Greece with the Use of Aerial Photographs, Satellite Images and GIS
Kayalar, C., A.E. Kavlak
, S. Balcisoy Augmented Reality Based User Interfaces to Assist Fieldwork on Excavation-sites
Kersten, T.P., M. Lindstaedt, K. Mechelke, M. Götting
, R. Heiden Virtual 3D Model of the Antique Temple Construction in Sirwah (Republic of Yemen) for Archaeological Object Documentation by Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Digital Photogrammetry
Kleber, F.
, R. Sablatnig A Skew Detection Technique Suitable for Degraded Ancient Manuscripts
Koller, D.
Protected Sharing of 3D models of Cultural Heritage and Archaeological Artifacts
Kondo, Y., T. Ako, I. Heshiki, G. Matsumoto, Y. Seino, Y. Takeda
, H. Yamaguchi FIELDWALK@KOZU: A Preliminary Report of the GPS/GIS-aided Walking Experiments for Remodelling Prehistoric Pathways at Kozushima Island (East Japan)
Korobov, D.
The Investigation of the Early Medieval System of Signalisation in the Kislovodsk Basin (South of Russia) with Help of GIS
Langó, P., ,Z. Réti
, A.A. Türk Reconstruction and 3D-Modelling of a Unique Hungarian Conquest Period (10th Century AD) Horse Burial
Laurent, A.
Evaluating the Archaeological Potential of Urban Soil
Lock, G.
, J. Pouncett Modelling Colluviation: Land Use and Landscape Change in the South Cadbury Environs
Mantegari, G., A. Mosca
, B. Rondelli A Semantic Based Approach to GIS: The PO-BASyN Project
Mantegari, G., A. Mosca
, M. De Salvo Free and Open Source WebGIS Solutions for the PO-BASyN Project
Mantellini, S., B. Rondelli
, S. Stride Analytical Approach for Representing the Water Landscape Evolution in Samarkand Oasis (Uzbekistan)
Martínez-Carrillo, A.L.
Computer Applications in Archaeological Pottery: A Review and New Perspectives
May, K., C. Binding
, D. Tudhope A STAR is Born: Some Emerging Semantic Technologies for Archaeological Resources
McKeague, P.
A Spatial Perspective: One Scotland, One Geography – One Historic Environment?
Megarry, W.
Pastoralism and Peak? A GIS Study into the Origins of Minoan Peak Sanctuaries in Eastern Crete
Merico, D.
, G. Mantegari Mobile Data-Collection in the Field: the RDArcheo Application
Mitcham, J.
, J.D. Richards Digital Archiving at the Archaeology Data Service: A Quest for OAIS Compliance
Monti, A.
Space, Functions and Human Behavioural Strategies: The “Analisi Funzionale Tattica” as Tool for the Understanding and Explanation of the Ancient and Medieval Fortifications
Olsen, H.R.
, S. Eve Cross-Border Data Sharing: A Case Study in Interoperability and Web Services
Pescarin, S.
Explicit Theoretic Pipeline: GIS Analysis and Data Integration for Archaeological Landscape Reconstruction
Pizziolo, G.
, S. Viti A 3D Perspective in the Interpretation of Living-Floor Morphologies:
Intrasite Analysis of Prehistoric Contexts
Rabinowitz, A.
, L. Sedikova On Whose Authority? Interpretation, Narrative, and Fragmentation in Digital Publishing
Richards, J.D., J. Winters
, M. Charno Making the LEAP: Linking Electronic Archives and Publications
Roubis, D., F. Sogliani, F. Gabellone, M. Danese
, D. Gnesi Archaeological Landscapes through GIS (Cost Surface Analysis) and Virtual Reality: A Case Study on the Monastic Site of Jure Vetere (Calabria, Italy)
Salvini, R., M.C. Salvi, F. Bonaccini, S. Kcziak, G. Gruppioni, M. Piperno
, R. Gallotti Safeguard of the Archaeological Heritage in Ethiopia: Satellite Photogrammetry for the Archaeological Map of Melka Kunture Palaeolithic Site
Santoro, S.
, A. Monti The City of Durres and its History, between Environmental Evolution and Cultural Transformations
Sañudo, P., A. Canals, J. Fernández Peris
, M. Vaquero Methods for the Study of Intrasite Spatial Patterning in Palaeolithic Sites: A Case Study of Level IV Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain)
Sarris, A., G. Kakoulaki
, N. Panagiotakis Reconstructing the Minoan Communication Network in Central Crete
Sauerbier, M., D. Fasler
, P. Della Casa Bronze Age Land Use in the Central Alps: GIS-based Investigation of Influencing Environmental and Economic Factors
Shaw, R.
, A. Corns Recording Archaeological Excavation Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Low-Cost Balloon-Based Photogrammetry
Siart, C., S. Hecht, B. Eitel
, G. Schukraft Reconstruction of the Geoarchaeological Landscape of Zominthos (Central Crete) Using Geophysical Prospection, Geomorphological Investigations and GIS
Soro, L.
Experimental Land Evaluation in Archaeology: An Application to Model the Accessibility of Nuragic Sites with Mycenaean Materials in Sardinia
Timár, L.
A Computer Aided Study of Late Iron Age Buildings
Toubekis, G., Y. Cao, R. Klamma, M. Spaniol, M. Jarke
, M. Jansen ACIS: A Collaborative Hypermedia Geospatial Community Information System of Afghan Monuments and Sites
Varytimadis, S., A. Kakargias
, E. Stergiopoulou The D.E.A.D. Project: An Application for the Digital Recording of Archaeological Data
Verdonck, L.
Using the Three-Dimensional Capabilities of GPR to Reinterpret the Roman Town of Mariana (Corsica)
Verhagen, P., M. van Leusen, B. Ducke, A. Millard
, H. Kamermans The Bumpy Road to Incorporating Uncertainty in Predictive Modelling
Verhagen, P., C. Sueur
, M. Wansleeben Setting a Standard for the Exchange of Archaeological Data in the Netherlands
Wagner, S., C. Hörr, D. Brunner
, G. Brunnett What You Give Is What You Get: Multitype Querying for Pottery
Walczak, K., W. Cellary
, A. Prinke Interactive Presentation of Archaeological Objects Using Virtual and Augmented Reality
Zambanini, S.
, M. Kampel Coin Data Acquisition for Image Recognition
Zamora, M.
Improving Methods for Viewshed Studies in Archaeology: The Vertical Angle
Ziegler, S.
, K.-C. Bruhn Mapping 38 Years of Excavation: The Dissemination of Vector-data from Elephantine, Egypt