CAA 2007 Proceedings
Pouncett, J.
, G. Lock Closest Facility Analysis: Integration of Geophysical and Test-Pitting Data from the South Cadbury Environs Project
Crandell, O.
, A. Bălos Palaeotopography. The Use of GIS Software with Data Derived from Resistivity Surveys and Stratigraphic Profiles to Reconstruct Sites and Past Terrains
Bobowski, B., K. Walczak
, M. Stawniak Hybrid 3D Visualisations of Archaeological Sites: Dynamic 3D Visualisations of Harris Matrix Data for Rescue Town Excavations, Gdańsk / Szafarnia Site, Poland
Lieberwirth, U.
3D GIS Voxel-Based Model Building in Archaeology
Fabricatore, G.
, F. Cantone Pushing the Archaeological Interpretation by Analysing Workflow Protocols: The “Variable Transparency Image Stacker” and DATARCH© Archaeological Data Management System
Gussone, M., M. Stephani
, D. Sack Resafa and its Surroundings – Resafa-Sergiupolis / Rusafat Hisham The Employment and Evaluation of Diverse Methods
McPherron, S.J.P., H.L. Dibble
, D. Olszewski GPS Surveying and On-Site Stone Tool Analysis: Equipping Teams for Landscape Analysis in the Egyptian High Desert
Rains, M.
Silchester – A Virtual Research Environment for Archaeology
Eve, S.
, G. Hunt ARK: A Development Framework for Archaeological Recording
Burns, G., A.K. Fronabarger
, T. Whitley Predictive Modeling of Cultural Resources in the Theban Necropolis, Luxor Egypt
Zakšek, K., E. Fovet, L. Nuninger
, T. Podobnikar Path Modelling and Settlement Pattern
Fiz, I.
, H.A. Orengo Simulating Communication Routes in Mediterranean Alluvial Plains
Stöger, H.
Roman Ostia: Space Syntax and the Domestication of Space
Paliou, E.
An Autonomous Agent Approach to the Investigation of Intra-Site Movement and Visibility: The Visual Consumption of Theran Murals from the Public Spaces of LBA Akrotiri (Thera, Greece)
Haciguzeller, P.
Modeling Human Circulation in the Minoan Palace at Malia
Gietl, R., M. Doneus
, M. Fera Cost Distance Analysis in an Alpine Environment: Comparison of Different Cost Surface Modules
Mattioli, T.
Landscape Analysis of a Sample of Rock-Art Sites in Central Italy
Zapłata, R.
Viewshed Analysis, Regional Studies and Cultural Perception
Orengo, H.A.
, I. Fiz The Application of 3D Reconstruction Techniques in the Analysis of Ancient Tarraco’s Urban Topography
Sarris, A., N. Papadopoulos, V. Trigkas, E. Kokkinou, D. Alexakis, G. Kakoulaki, E. de Marco, E. Seferou, G. Shen, M. Karaoulis, K. Simirdanis, F. Kondili, M. Karifori, M. Dogan, Y. Lolos
, T. Kalpaxis Recovering the Urban Network of Ancient Sikyon Through Multi-component Geophysical Approaches
Koepke, N.
, J. Baten Anthropometric Methods and the Interdisciplinary Conversation Between Archaeology and Economics
Kondo, Y.
Where Did They Go Fishing? A Multi-Scalar Spatial Analysis of Jomon Fishing Activities in the Tokyo-Yokohama District, East Japan
Mucha, H.-J., H.-G. Bartel
, J. Dolata Finding Roman Brickyards in Germania Superior by Model-Based Cluster Analysis of Archaeometric Data
Alexander, C.
The Bedolina Map – an Exploratory Network Analysis
Claßen, E.
Early Neolithic Social Networks in Western Germany
Kerig, T.
Towards an Econometrically Informed Archaeology: The Cologne Tableau (KöTa)
Nowak, K.
Approaching Linear Pottery Economics – Distribution and Supply of Amphibolite Adzes
Nockemann, G.
Different Types of Economies within the LBK Settlement Erkelenz-Kückhoven
Schiesberg, S.
Neolithic Economics: A Case Study in Age, Sex and Labour
Lechterbeck, J.
The Event Horizon in Landscape Development: When Economy Makes the Landscape Cultural
Trinks, I.
, I. Larssons Geophysical Archaeological Prospection in Rescue Archaeology: Examples from Sweden
Chataigner, C.
, O. Barge Quantitative Approach to the Diffusion of Obsidian in the Ancient Northern Near East
Gauthier, E.
Consumption and Circulation of Prehistoric Products in Europe: Characterization of Spatial Evolutions by Using Map Algebra
Redő, F.
The Regularities of Coin Accumulation and Coin Circulation Based on Settlement Materials in Pannonia
Vodolazhskaya, L.
Reconstruction of Heron’s Formulas for Calculating the Volume of Vessels
Lechterbeck, J.
When the Point Becomes the Area: Multivariate and Spatial Analysis of Pollen Data
Sugita, S., M.-J. Gaillard, S. Hellman
, A. Bröstrom Model-Based Reconstruction of Vegetation and Landscape Using Fossil Pollen
Garcia, A.
Predictive Models and the Evolution of Tree Vegetation during the
Final Pleistocene-Holocene Transition. A Case Study from the Asón River Valley (Cantabria, Spain)
Korodov, D.
GIS as a Tool for Investigation of Early Medieval Climatic Changes in the Kislovodsk Basin (Southern Russia)
Andresen, J.
Topographic Wetness Index and Prehistoric Land Use
Alexakis, D., T. Astaras, A. Sarris, K. Vouzaxakis
, L. Karimali Reconstructing the Neolithic Landscape of Thessaly through a GIS and Geological Approach
Erkul, E., A. Hüser, H. Stümpel
, T. Wunderlich Combined Geophysical Survey of an Ancient Hittite Dam: New and Old High-Tech
Stobbe, A.
Palynological and Archaeological Data – a Comparative Approach
Barceló, J.A.
Towards a True Automatic Archaeology: Integrating Technique and Theory
Greco, G., B. Ferrara
, F. Cantone Museo Narrante: the Foce Sele Hera Sanctuary Virtual Museum
Damali, A.
Augmented Reality Based User Interfaces for Mobile Museum and Exhibition Guides
Kanellou, D., A. Grantham, K. Rodríguez Echavarria, H. Gottlieb
, D. Pletinckx Bridging the Knowledge Gap between Cultural Heritage and Information and Communication Technologies Professionals: The Network of Expertise
Huvila, I.
To Whom it May Concern? The Users and Uses of Digital Archaeological Information
Sugimoto, G.
, A. Igarashi Dividing Wall Collapsed? JAD2 Survey and ACT Archaeology Attempt to Close the Gap between Archaeology and ICT
Ali, M.A.M., H.Burkhardt
, B. el Din Khali Integration of Magnetic and Resistivity Imaging Surveys for Archaeological Prospection in the Southern Part of Meroe City (Capital of Kush, Sudan)
Ulrich, B., T. Günther
, C. Rücker Electrical Resistivity Tomography Methods for Archaeological Prospection
Zöllner, H., B. Ulrich, R. Rolle, S. Makhortykh
, M. Orlyuk Results of Geophysical Prospection in the Scythian Settlement of Belsk (Bol’šoe Belskoe Gorodišče)
Klochko, A.
, D. Shishkov Virtual Georadar Modelling of Significant Archaeological Sites
Lambers, K.
, F. Remondino Optical 3D Measurement Techniques in Archaeology: Recent Developments and Applications
Campana, S.
, F. Remondino Fast and Detailed Digital Documentation of Archaeological Excavations and Heritage Artifacts
El-Hakim, S.F., F. Remondino, L. Gonzo
, F. Voltolini Effective High Resolution 3D Geometric Reconstruction of Heritage and Archaeological Sites from Images
Gernat, T., S.J.P. McPherron, H.L. Dibble
, J.-J. Hubin An Application of Structured Light Scanning to Documenting Excavated Surfaces and in situ Finds: Examples from the Middle Paleolithic Sites of Jonzac and Roc de Marsal, France
Zimmermann, N.
, G. Eßer Showing the Invisible – Documentation and Research on the Roman Domitilla Catacomb, Based on Image Laser Scanning and 3D Modelling
Fux, P., M. Sauerbier, J. Peterhans, T. Kersten
, M. Lindstaedt Documentation and Interpretation of the Petroglyphs of Chichictara, Palpa (Peru), Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Image-Based 3D Modeling
Aufschnaiter, M., A. Cramer, G. Heinz
, H. Müller Documentation of Medieval Caves in Southern Crimea (Ukraine) Using Hybrid Data Sources
Dirksen, D., Z. Böröcz, G. Bischoff, L. Loerper
, A. Jockenhövel High Resolution Documentation and Evaluation of Decorated Wall Stones with Optical 3D Measurement Techniques Taking the Megalithic Gallery-Grave at Züschen / Lohne, Germany as an Example
Jansen, M., G. Toubekis, A. Walther, M. Döring-Williams
, I. Mayer Laser Scan Measurement of the Niche and Virtual 3D Representation of the Small Buddha in Bamiyan
Mara, H.
, R. Sablatnig Evaluation of 3D Shapes of Ceramics for the Determination of Manufacturing Techniques
Wiedemann, A.
Pictured Descriptions of Spatial Objects
De Felice, G., N.M. Mangialardi, M.G. Sibilano
, G. Volpe Late Roman Villa at Faragola (Foggia, Italy): Laser Scanning for a Global Documentation Methodology During Field Research
Loerper, L., A. Jockenhövel
, D. Dirksen Re-inspection of the Megalithic Art of the Gallery-Grave at Züschen/Lohne, Germany, with Optical 3D Measurements Techniques
Simon, A., G. Farin, C. Lübke, G. Indruszweski
, J. Rowe Ceramic Technologies Digital Library (CTDL): A Digital Repository of Medieval Ceramics – A Preliminary Report
Pujol Tost, L.
Does Virtual Archaeology Exist?
Traser, F.
Bringing Time and Change to Life in the Visualization of Greek Architecture
Koller, D.
The Digital Forma Urbis Severiana
Bäuerlein, J., R. Pokorski, S. Maass
, J. Döllner Visualization Project of Roman Cologne – How to Make VR models Available for Scientific Work
Rajala, U.
Visualising Archaic Tombs and their Postdepositional Histories: The 3D Modelling of the Tombs from Cisterna Grande, Crustumerium (Rome, Italy)
Levy, R.
, P. Dawson Structural Analysis: A Tool for Testing 3D Computer Reconstructions of Thule Whalebone Houses
Uotila, K.
The Lifecycle of a Medieval Stone House and How to Model it in 4D
Hermon, S.
, Nikodem, J. 3D Modelling as a Scientific Research Tool in Archaeology
Baumeier, S.
3D Models in Settlement Research – Potentials and Drawbacks of Digital Models as Scientific Working Tools and for Presentation to Non-Professionals
Riedel, A.
, T. Bauer Pretty and Useful? – Three-dimensional Computer Models as a Working Tool for Documentation and Investigation in Building Archaeology
Johnson, D.
Architectural Drafting Standards in Archaeological Computer Modeling: Reconstructions from Drawings and Surveys of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Egyptian Expedition
Ferschin, P., I. Kulitz, A. Jonas
, D. Raue Spatial and Temporal Visualization in Archaeology – Examples from the Excavation on Elephantine, Egypt
Reimersdahl, T. van, P. Melms
, H. von Hesberg 3D Visualization Limitations of Historical Spaces: Requirements, Practices and Technical Visions
Georgopoulos, A., C. Ioannidis
, M. Ioannidis 3D Virtual Reconstructions at the Service of Computer Assisted Archaeological Measurements
Anderson, M.
Putting the “Reality” in Virtual Reality: New Advances through Game Engine Technology
Hale, A.
, J. Hepher 3D Data Fusion for the Presentation of Archaeological Landscapes: A Scottish Perspective
Moitinho, V.
Virtual Archaeology: Work in Progress
Crompton, S.
3D Lithic Analysis
Boon, P.J., S.C. Pont
, G.J.M. van Oortmerssen Acquisition and Visualization of Cross Section Surface Characteristics for Identification of Archaeological Ceramics
De Beenhouwer, J.
Data Management for Moulded Ceramics and Digital Image Comparison: a Case Study of Roman Terra Cotta Figurines
Franck, S.
Spectral and GIS Analysis for Quarry Location in Ancient Messene, Greece
Mom, V.
, H. Paijmans SECANTO: A Retrieval System and Classification Tool for Simple Artefacts
Cooper, F.A.
, T. Brenningmeyer A Digital Approach for Practical Reconstructions of Fragmented Murals
Lettner, M., M. Diem, R. Sablatnig
, H. Miklas Digital Image Analysis for the Investigation of Ancient Manuscripts
Kampel, M.
, M. Zaharieva Optical Recognition of Modern and Roman Coins
Ferschin, P., A. Jonas, I. Kulitz
, D. Raue Collaborative Work with Visual Index Structures in Archaeology
Meyer, E., P. Grussenmeyer, J.-P. Perrin, A. Durand
, P. Drap A Virtual Research Environment for Archaeological Data Management, Visualization and Documentation
McKeague, P.
, R. Jones The National Database for Scotland: Evolution of the Digital Resource
Austin, T., J. Mitcham
, J.D. Richards From Questions to Answers: Outcomes from the ‘Big Data’ Project
D'Andrea, A.
, G. Ferrandino Shared Iconographical Representations with Ontological Models
Jeffrey, S., W. Kilbride, S. Waller
, J. Richards Thinking Outside the Search Box: The Common Information Environment and Archaeobrowser
Paijmans, H.
, S. Wubben Preparing Archaeological Reports for Intelligent Retrieval
Dunn, S., N. Gold
, L. Hughes CHIMERA: A Service Oriented Computing Approach for Archaeological Research
Rodier, X.
, L. Saligny Social Features, Spatial Features and Time Features: An Urban Archaeological Data Model
Mc Auley, J.
, J. Carswell An Open Approach to Contextualising Heterogeneous Cultural Heritage Datasets
Andreussi, M.
, A. Felicetti The CIDOC CRM Encoding of the “Fontes ad Topographiam Veteris Urbis Romae Pertinentes” by Giuseppe Lugli
Pecchioli, L., F. Mohamed, M. Carozzino
, H. Leitner Method to Link Data in 3D Environment
Mom, V.
, S. Vautier CACTUS, a Document Management System to Support the Archaeological and Historical Research of San Juan, a Plantation on Curaçao
Baumeier, S., C. Koeck
, C. Begand OSCAR – A Web-based Multimedia Communication System for Interdisciplinary Settlement Research: Spatial & Temporal Data Organization, Manipulation & Visualization
Henze, F., H. Lehmann
, W. Langer CISAR – A Modular Database System as a Basis for Analysis and Documentation of Spatial Information
Henze, F.
A Distributed GIS Architecture for Research in BaalbekBased on CISAR
Brasse, C., K. Heine, D. Zhao
, U. Wulf A 3D Solution for a Web-based Building Information System
D'Andrea, A., A. Felicetti, M. Lorenzini
, C. Perlingieri Spatial and Non-Spatial Archaeological Data Integration using MAD
Sarris, A., V. Trigkas, G. Papadakis, M. Papazoglou, E. Peraki, N. Chetzoyiannaki, M. Elvanidou, E. Karimali, K. Kouriati, M. Katifori, G. Kakoulaki, E. Kappa, K. Arthanasaki
, N. Papadopoulos A Web-GIS Approach to Cultural Resources Management in Crete: the Digital Archaeological Atlas of Crete
Ardissone, P., F. Balossi Restelli, E. Borgia
, E. Brienza Web-GIS Solutions for the Analysis and Valorisation of Archaeological Sites in the Mediterranean Basin
Panella, C., M. Fano, E. Brienza
, R. Carlani A 3D Web-GIS for the Valley of the Colosseum and the Palatine Hill
Brenningmeyer, T.
, F.A. Cooper Remote Inventory of Greek Vernacular Architecture: Online Capture of Spatial Information
Ducke, B.
, P. Kroefges From Points to Areas: Constructing Territories from Archaeological Site Patterns Using an Enhanced Xtent Model
Hilpert, J., K.P. Wendt
, A. Zimmermann A Hierarchical Model of Scale Levels for Estimations of Population Densities
Fletcher, R., R. Winter
, I. Gilead Patterning Human Behaviour in Chalcolithic Southern Palestine: Differing Scales of Analysis
Uleberg, E.
Scale Dependent Patterns in Large Museum Datasets
Oštir, K., Ž. Kokalj, L. Saligny, F. Tolle
, L. Nuninger Confidence Maps: a Tool to Evaluate Archaeological Data’s Relevance in Spatial Analysis
Nuninger, L., F.-P. Tourneux
, F. Favory From Archaeomedes to ArchaeDyn
Gandini, C., F. Bertoncello, E. Gauthier, L. Nuninger
, F. Trément Hierarchical Typology and Settlement Patterns Modelling at Interregional Scale
Moreno Martín, A.
Using GIS to Deconstruct Iberian Iron Age Landscapes: The Territory of Kelin Between 6th–5th Centuries BC (La Plana d’Utiel, València)
Trebeleva, G.
The Organization of Taman’s Defense from the Mid 1st Century BC to the Turn of the 2nd Century AD: A Historical Simulation Based on GIS Technologies
Mischka, D.
Territorial Modelling and Archaeological Data: How Complete Must the Picture Be?
Diez-Castillo, A., C.M. Barton, N. La Roca-Cervigón
, J. Bernabeu-Aubán Landscape Socioecology in the Serpis Valley (10,000–4000 BP)
Poirier, N.
, F. Tolle Measurements of Diachronic Stability of Agrarian Exploitation
Geoges-Leroy, M., F. Tolle
, P. Nouvel Analysis of the Intensity of Agrarian Exploitation by Spatial Analysis of Ancient Field Systems Preserved by Forest Cover
Brigand, R.
, A. Ninfo Landscape Archaeology in the Venetian Plain (Northern Italy)
Barceló, J.A.
, A. Maximiano Some Notes Regarding Distributional Analysis of Spatial Data
Šmejda, L.
Expanding Scales in GIS Analysis
Andresen, J., R.B. Iversen
, P. Jensen Terrestrial Military Organisation in Prehistoric Denmark
Verhagen, P.
Testing Archaeological Predictive Models: A Rough Guide
Whitley, T.G.
Conditional GIS Surfaces and their Potential for Archaeological Predictive Modelling
Siart, C.
, B. Eitel Geoarchaeological Studies in Central Crete based on Remote Sensing and GIS
Arnese, A.
Applying Ecological Niche Factor Analysis for Predictive Modelling in the Kaulonia Field Survey
Vries, P. de
Archaeological Predictive Models for the Elbe Valley around Dresden, Saxony, Germany