CAA 1992 Proceedings
Milligan, R.
, M. Atkins The Use of Ground-Probing Radar within a Digital Environment on Archaeological Sites
Dobbs, C.A.
Recreating Vanished Mounds Groups in the Upper Mississippi Valley (USA): Integrating Historic Documents, CADD, and Photogrammetric Mapping
Lemmens, J.P.M.M., Z. Stančič
, R.G. Verwaal Automated Archaeological Feature Extraction from Digital Aerial Photographs
Forte, M.
Image Processing Applications in Archaeology: Classification Systems of Archaeological Sites in the Landscape
Hašek, V., H. Petrová
, K. Segeth Graphic Representation Methods in Archaeological Prospection in Czechoslovakia
Haigh, J.G.B.
Practical Experience in Creating Digital Terrain Models
Booth, W., S.S. Ipson
, J.G.B. Haigh An Investigation into the Use of Colour in the Analysis of Aerial Photographs
Gruel, K., O. Buchsenschutz, J.-F. Alliot
, H. Murgalé Arkeoplan: a New Tool for the Archaeologist
Pique i Huerta, R.
, J.M. Pique i Huerta Automatic Recognition and Classification of Archaeological Charcoals
Kvamme, K.L.
Spatial Statistics and GIS: an Integrated Approach
Leusen, P.M. van
Cartographic Modelling in a Cell-Based GIS
Ruggles, C.L.N., D.J. Medyckyj-Scott
, A. Gruffydd Multiple Viewshed Analysis Using GIS and Its Archaeological Application: a Case Study in Northern Mull
Wheatley, D.
Going over Old Ground: GIS, Archaeological Theory and the Act of Perception
Middleton, R.
, D. Winstanley GIS in a Landscape Archaeology Context
Lang, N.A.R.
From Model to Machine: Procurement and Implementation of Geographical Information Systems for Country Sites and Monuments Records
Boaz, J.S.
, E. Uleberg Gardermoen Project – Use of a GIS System in Antiquities Registration and Research
Palumbo, G.
JADIS (Jordan Antiquities Database and Information System): an Example of National Archaeological Inventory and GIS Applications
Arroyo-Bishop, D.
, M.T. Lantada Zarzosa Planning for Inter- and Intra-Site Data Management and Interpretation
Semeraro, G.
The Excavation Archive: an Integrated System for the Management of Cartographic and Alphanumeric Data
Rold, L.
Syntheses in Object Oriented Analysis
Hansen, H.J.
European Archaeological Databases: Problems and Prospects
Barceló, J.A.
Computer-Based Techniques for the Representation of Automatic Problem-Solving in Archaeology
Palmer, M.
, J. Doran Contrasting Models of Upper Palaeolithic Social Dynamics: a Distributed Artificial Intelligence Approach
Gibson, P.M.
The Potentials of Hybrid Neural Network Models for Archaeofaunal Ageing and Interpretation
Orton, C.
What Lies Behind the Quantification Debate?
Ringrose, T.J.
Diversity Indices and Archaeology
Vach, W.
, K.W. Alt Detection of Kinship Structures in Prehistoric Burial Sites Based on Odontological Traits
Buck, C.E.
The Provenancing of Archaeological Ceramics: a Bayesian Approach
Constantine, A.G., J.C. Gower
, B. Zielman A Cappadocian Tablet Problem
Scott, A.
A Parametric Approach to Seriation
Scollar, I., I. Herzog
, M.J. Greenacre Colour & Graphic Display Aids for Correspondence Analysis
Rulf, J.
Pre-Processing of Archaeological Data
Axboe, M.
Gold Bracteates and Correspondence Analysis
Salač, V.
Seriation of Iron Age Settlement Sites in NW Bohemia – System of Databases, CAAF Program
Kobyliński, Z.
, A. Buko Computer Clustering in the Analysis of Non-Morphological Attributes of Pottery Sherds: Two Examples from Poland
Galanidou, N.
Quantitative Methods for Spatial Analysis at Rockshelters: the Case of Klithi
Lockyear, K.
Coin Hoard Formation Revisited …
Laflin, S., A. Roper, R.P. Symonds
, R.H. White Analysis of Pottery from Wroxeter Roman City
Biró, K.T.
Good or Bad? Raw Material Procurement Criteria in the Carpathian Basin. A Diachronic Approach
Ozawa, K.
Reconstruction of Japanese Ancient Tombs and Villages
Morimoto, S.
, M. Motonaka Reconstruction of the 8th-Century Imperial Palace of the Heijo Capital at Nara in Japan
Reilly, P.
, N. Thompson Experiments with User-Friendly Volume Visualisation and Iconographic Display Methods to Explore Core Data
Banning, E.B.
Hypermedia and Archaeological Publication: The Wadi Ziqlab Project
Maytom, J.
, K. Torevell The World of the Vikings: an Interactive Video Project
Booth, B.
A High Resolution Digital Imaging System for the Photographic Archive at the National Railway Museum, York
Wilcock, J.
The Roman Conquest of Britain: a Computer-Based Educational Package