CAA 1996 Proceedings
Orton, C.
A Bayesian Approach to a Problem of Archaeological Site Evaluation
Lockyear, K.
Experiments with Detrended Correspondence Analysis
Hawthorne, J.
Vessel Volume as a Factor in Ceramic Quantification: the Case of African Red Slip Ware
Teodor, E.S.
The COMPASS Method for the Estimation of the Capacity of Pottery Vessels
Ramsey, C.B.
, A. Bayliss Dating Stonehenge
Bryan, P.G.
, M. Clowes Stonehenge — Mapping the Stones
Chirica, V.
, A. Cojocaru Multidimensional Analysis of the Archaeological Discoveries from the Multiphase Palaeolithic site at Mitoc-Malu Galben
Bradley, J.
, M. Fletcher The Statistical Analysis of Ground Probing Radar Data from “Radar-Weak” Sites
Barceló, J.A., A. Vila
, J. Gibaja An Application of Neural Networks to Use-Wear Analysis. Some Preliminary Results
Wansleeben, M.
, M.H. van den Dries ArchWEB: a Web Site for Dutch Archaeologists
Burton, N.R.
, C.A. Shell GIS and Visualising the Palaeoenvironment
Daly, P., M. Frachetti
, J. Okkonen GIS and Early Åland: Spatial Analysis in an Archipelago of South-Western Finland
Amores, F., L. García, V. Hurtado, H. Márquez
, C. Rodríguez-Bobada An Exploratory GIS Approach to Andalusian Archaeological Heritage Records
Hugget, J.
Looking at Intra-Site GIS
Wheatley, D.
Spatial Technology and Archaeological Theory Revisited
Perkins, P.
A GIS Investigation of Site Location and Landscape Relationships in the Albegna Valley, Tuscany
Wise, A.L.
Building Theory into GIS-Based Landscape Analysis
Bossons, P.D.
, D.E. Ord Computer Networks in Higher Education. A Case Study: Staffordshire University
Wilcock, J.
, S. Sanie Retrospect on 1970: Looking back on the Developments of Computing Archaeology in Romania since the Mamaia Conference