CAA 1978 Proceedings
Angell, I.O.
Megalithic Science: Ancient or Modern?
Hillson, S.
Computers and the Study of Past Human Populations – Their Ecology & Disease
Roberts, D.A.
Documentation of Archaeology in Museums
Mertz, R.R.
, G.J. Levenbach An Information Theory Approach to Mycenean Pottery
Iliff, N.
The Problems of Preparing Pre-Recorded Data for Computer Information Retrieval and Analysis: a Case Study
Main, P.L.
The Storage, Retrieval, and Classification of Artefact Shapes
Wilcock, J.D.
The Automated Archaeologist. A Review of New Personal Computing and Office Automation Methods of Relevance to Site Recording, Retrieval, Analysis and Publication
Biek, L.
LERNIE – Phase V
Angell, I.O.
Computerised Celtic Art
Laflin, S.
A Study of Similarity Coefficients
Steger, N.G., V. Jones, D.J. Keene
, S.V. Keene Practical Applications of Computer Processing in Winchester