Theme: 05_Archaeological Regional Spatial Analyses and
Vermeulen, F., M. Antrop, B. Hageman
, T. Wiedemann Ancient Roads and Fields in Northwestern Gaul – A GIS-Based Analysis
Zapłata, R.
, A.P. Tschan An “Integrated Space” Approach for the Interpretation of a Medieval Stronghold in Middle Pomerania, Poland
Feiken, H.
, M. van Leusen Interpreting Field Survey Results in the Light of Historic Relief Change: The Fogliano Beach Ridges (South Lazio, Italy)
Roughley, C.
Understanding the Neolithic Landscape of the Carnac Region: A GIS Approach
Verhagen, P.
, J.-F. Berger The Hidden Reserve: Predictive Modelling of Buried Archaeological Sites in the Tricastin-Valdaine Region (Middle Rhone Valley, France)
Stančič, Z., T. Veljanovski, K. Oštir
, T. Pobodnikar Archaeological Predictive Modelling for Highway Construction Planning