Theme: 05_Predictive Modelling
Kamermans, H.
The Application of Predictive Modelling in Archaeology: Problems and Possibilities
Witcher, R.E.
, S.J. Kay An Application of Predictive Modelling in the Tiber Valley
Van Hove, D.
Imagining Calabria – A GIS Approach to Neolithic Landscapes Some Critical Thoughts on Modelling the Effects of Agency and Qualifying Landscapes in Terms of Human Activity
Peeters, H.
Modelling Mesolithic-Neolithic Land-Use Dynamics and Archaeological Heritage Management: An Example from the Flevoland Polders (The Netherlands)
Ducke, B.
Regional Scale Predictive Modelling in North-Eastern Germany
Münch, U.
Are Current Predictive Maps Adequate for Cultural Heritage Management? The Integration of Different Models for Archaeological Risk Assessment in the State of Brandenburg (Germany)
Verhagen, P., H. Kamermans, M. van Leusen, J. Deeben, D. Hallewas
, P. Zoetbrood First Thoughts on the Incorporation of Cultural Variables into Predictive Modelling
Whitley, T.G.
Re-Thinking Accuracy and Precision in Predictive Modeling