Theme: 12-Reconstructing Ancient Landscapes and Vegetation
Lechterbeck, J.
When the Point Becomes the Area: Multivariate and Spatial Analysis of Pollen Data
Sugita, S., M.-J. Gaillard, S. Hellman
, A. Bröstrom Model-Based Reconstruction of Vegetation and Landscape Using Fossil Pollen
Garcia, A.
Predictive Models and the Evolution of Tree Vegetation during the
Final Pleistocene-Holocene Transition. A Case Study from the Asón River Valley (Cantabria, Spain)
Korodov, D.
GIS as a Tool for Investigation of Early Medieval Climatic Changes in the Kislovodsk Basin (Southern Russia)
Andresen, J.
Topographic Wetness Index and Prehistoric Land Use
Alexakis, D., T. Astaras, A. Sarris, K. Vouzaxakis
, L. Karimali Reconstructing the Neolithic Landscape of Thessaly through a GIS and Geological Approach
Stobbe, A.
Palynological and Archaeological Data – a Comparative Approach