Theme: 12_In-site Inter-site Analysis
Figueiredo, A.
Walking in a Way: Some Conclusions of the Recent Pre-History in Alto Ribatejo Region
Collina, C.
, R. Gallotti The Lithic Industry of the Early Neolithic at Uzzo Cave (Trapani, Sicily). A Landscape Perspective on the Operational Chains and the Raw Material Availability
Santoriello, A., F.U. Scelza, R. Gallotti, R. Bove, L. Sirangelo
, A. Pontrandolfo The GIS Application to the Spatial Data Organization of the Necropolis of Poseidonia-Paestum (Salerno, Italy)
Pouncett, J.
Low Density Lithic Artefact Scatters: Consideration of the Impact of Sampling Strategy