Theme: Prospecting & Image Processing
Milligan, R.
, M. Atkins The Use of Ground-Probing Radar within a Digital Environment on Archaeological Sites
Dobbs, C.A.
Recreating Vanished Mounds Groups in the Upper Mississippi Valley (USA): Integrating Historic Documents, CADD, and Photogrammetric Mapping
Lemmens, J.P.M.M., Z. Stančič
, R.G. Verwaal Automated Archaeological Feature Extraction from Digital Aerial Photographs
Forte, M.
Image Processing Applications in Archaeology: Classification Systems of Archaeological Sites in the Landscape
Hašek, V., H. Petrová
, K. Segeth Graphic Representation Methods in Archaeological Prospection in Czechoslovakia
Haigh, J.G.B.
Practical Experience in Creating Digital Terrain Models
Booth, W., S.S. Ipson
, J.G.B. Haigh An Investigation into the Use of Colour in the Analysis of Aerial Photographs
Gruel, K., O. Buchsenschutz, J.-F. Alliot
, H. Murgalé Arkeoplan: a New Tool for the Archaeologist
Pique i Huerta, R.
, J.M. Pique i Huerta Automatic Recognition and Classification of Archaeological Charcoals