Theme: Using Computers In Archaeological Explanation
Westwood, S., M.J. Baxter
, C.C. Beardah Sample Size Problems with Multivariate Archaeometric Data
Jackson, C.M.
, M.J. Baxter Variable Selection in Archaeometry: the Statistical Analysis of Glass Compositional Data
Beardah, C.C.
, M.J. Baxter Three-Dimensional Data Display Using Kernel Density Estimates
Wünsch, G.
Debating About the Graphic Representation of the Spatial Distributions of Points: 3-D vs. 2-D
Soltysiak, A.
, P. Jaskulski Czekanowski’s Diagram: a Method of Multidimensional Clustering
Hopkins, J.A.
Multivariate Resampling Techniques for Assessing Sample Sizes for Biplots
Piqué, R.
Quantification in Archaeobotany; Charcoal Analysis and Fire-Wood Management
Vanhaverbeke, H., M. Waelkens
, T. Ritti Is Plump Later? The Possibilities of Dating Sarcophagi by Means of Their Proportions Checked by PCA-Analysis on the North-Western Necropolis Sarcophagi of Hierapolis (Phrygia, Turkey)
Arrizabalaga, A.
Typometric Characterisation of the Lithic Industry
Leusen, M. van
Viewshed and Cost Surface Analysis Using GIS (Cartographic Modelling in a Cell-Based GIS II)
Kamermans, H.
, M. Wansleeben Predictive Modelling in Dutch Archaeology, Joining Forces
Stančič, Z.
, K.L. Kvamme Settlement Pattern Modelling through Boolean Overlays of Social and Environmental Variables
Colosi, F., S. Espa, R. Gabrielli, U. Ricci
, F. Verga Statistical Methods and Computer High Technology for the Study of Archaeological Presence in the Sabina Tiberina Area
Hosfield, R.T.
Clarifying the British Palaeolithic: Unsystematic Traditions
Kirkinen, T.
GIS-Assisted Data Analysis – Finding Meanings in Complex Spatial Data Sets
Lock, G.
, P. Daly Looking at Change, Continuity and Time in GIS: an Example from the Sangro Valley, Italy
Menotti, F.
The Abandonment of the Early Bronze Age Lake-Settlement of Bodman-Schachen 1 : a CAD and GIS Approach to the Lake-Level Fluctuation Hypothesis
Parmegiani, N.
, M. Poscolieri The Landscape of Lake Sevan (Armenia) During the Urartian Period
Vermeulen, F.
A Computer-Aided Geo-Archaeological Survey of the Classical Landscape of Central Anatolia
Symonds, L.
Virtual Constructs: Traveling the Tenth Century
Daly, P.T.
, G. Lock Timing is Everything: Commentary on Managing Temporal Variables in Geographic Information Systems