Theme: Visualisation, Hypermedia & Education
Ozawa, K.
Reconstruction of Japanese Ancient Tombs and Villages
Morimoto, S.
, M. Motonaka Reconstruction of the 8th-Century Imperial Palace of the Heijo Capital at Nara in Japan
Reilly, P.
, N. Thompson Experiments with User-Friendly Volume Visualisation and Iconographic Display Methods to Explore Core Data
Banning, E.B.
Hypermedia and Archaeological Publication: The Wadi Ziqlab Project
Maytom, J.
, K. Torevell The World of the Vikings: an Interactive Video Project
Booth, B.
A High Resolution Digital Imaging System for the Photographic Archive at the National Railway Museum, York
Wilcock, J.
The Roman Conquest of Britain: a Computer-Based Educational Package