Theme: Visualisation
Wilcock, J.
A Description of the Display Software for Stafford Castle Visitor Centre, UK
Menard, C.
, R. Sablatnig Pictorial, Three-Dimensional Acquisition of Archaeological Finds As Basis for an Automatic Classification
Biró, K.T.
Simple Fun – Interactive Computer Demonstration Program on the Exhibition of the Szentgál-Tűzköveshegy Prehistoric Industrial Area
Csáki, G.
, F. Redő Documentation and Modelling of a Roman Imperial Villa in Central Italy
Forte, M.
, A. Guidazzoli Archaeology, GIS and Desktop Virtual Reality: the ARCTOS Project
Wünsch, G., E. Arasa
, M. Pérez Dissecting the Palimpsest: an Easy Computer-Graphic Approach to the Stratigraphic Sequence of the Túnel VII Site (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina)
Romano, D.G.
, O. Tolba Remote Sensing and GIS in the Study of Roman Centuriation in the Corinthia, Greece
Baena, F.J., F. Quesada
, M.C. Blasco An Application of GIS Intra-Site Analysis to Museum Display