Theme: 03-3D Data Acquisition and Processing
Lambers, K.
, F. Remondino Optical 3D Measurement Techniques in Archaeology: Recent Developments and Applications
Campana, S.
, F. Remondino Fast and Detailed Digital Documentation of Archaeological Excavations and Heritage Artifacts
El-Hakim, S.F., F. Remondino, L. Gonzo
, F. Voltolini Effective High Resolution 3D Geometric Reconstruction of Heritage and Archaeological Sites from Images
Gernat, T., S.J.P. McPherron, H.L. Dibble
, J.-J. Hubin An Application of Structured Light Scanning to Documenting Excavated Surfaces and in situ Finds: Examples from the Middle Paleolithic Sites of Jonzac and Roc de Marsal, France
Zimmermann, N.
, G. Eßer Showing the Invisible – Documentation and Research on the Roman Domitilla Catacomb, Based on Image Laser Scanning and 3D Modelling
Fux, P., M. Sauerbier, J. Peterhans, T. Kersten
, M. Lindstaedt Documentation and Interpretation of the Petroglyphs of Chichictara, Palpa (Peru), Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Image-Based 3D Modeling
Aufschnaiter, M., A. Cramer, G. Heinz
, H. Müller Documentation of Medieval Caves in Southern Crimea (Ukraine) Using Hybrid Data Sources
Dirksen, D., Z. Böröcz, G. Bischoff, L. Loerper
, A. Jockenhövel High Resolution Documentation and Evaluation of Decorated Wall Stones with Optical 3D Measurement Techniques Taking the Megalithic Gallery-Grave at Züschen / Lohne, Germany as an Example
Jansen, M., G. Toubekis, A. Walther, M. Döring-Williams
, I. Mayer Laser Scan Measurement of the Niche and Virtual 3D Representation of the Small Buddha in Bamiyan
Mara, H.
, R. Sablatnig Evaluation of 3D Shapes of Ceramics for the Determination of Manufacturing Techniques
Wiedemann, A.
Pictured Descriptions of Spatial Objects
De Felice, G., N.M. Mangialardi, M.G. Sibilano
, G. Volpe Late Roman Villa at Faragola (Foggia, Italy): Laser Scanning for a Global Documentation Methodology During Field Research
Loerper, L., A. Jockenhövel
, D. Dirksen Re-inspection of the Megalithic Art of the Gallery-Grave at Züschen/Lohne, Germany, with Optical 3D Measurements Techniques
Simon, A., G. Farin, C. Lübke, G. Indruszweski
, J. Rowe Ceramic Technologies Digital Library (CTDL): A Digital Repository of Medieval Ceramics – A Preliminary Report