Theme: 02-Geophysical Prospecting
Sarris, A., N. Papadopoulos, V. Trigkas, E. Kokkinou, D. Alexakis, G. Kakoulaki, E. de Marco, E. Seferou, G. Shen, M. Karaoulis, K. Simirdanis, F. Kondili, M. Karifori, M. Dogan, Y. Lolos
, T. Kalpaxis Recovering the Urban Network of Ancient Sikyon Through Multi-component Geophysical Approaches
Trinks, I.
, I. Larssons Geophysical Archaeological Prospection in Rescue Archaeology: Examples from Sweden
Erkul, E., A. Hüser, H. Stümpel
, T. Wunderlich Combined Geophysical Survey of an Ancient Hittite Dam: New and Old High-Tech
Ali, M.A.M., H.Burkhardt
, B. el Din Khali Integration of Magnetic and Resistivity Imaging Surveys for Archaeological Prospection in the Southern Part of Meroe City (Capital of Kush, Sudan)
Ulrich, B., T. Günther
, C. Rücker Electrical Resistivity Tomography Methods for Archaeological Prospection
Zöllner, H., B. Ulrich, R. Rolle, S. Makhortykh
, M. Orlyuk Results of Geophysical Prospection in the Scythian Settlement of Belsk (Bol’šoe Belskoe Gorodišče)
Klochko, A.
, D. Shishkov Virtual Georadar Modelling of Significant Archaeological Sites