Theme: 05_Survey and Mapping, Archaeometry, GPS and CAD categories
Adams, G.
New Tools for Understanding Plains Indian Sites in Grasslands National Park, Canada
Banning, E.B.
Archaeological Survey as Optimal Search
Barcelo, J.A., E.L. Piana
, D.R. Martinioni Archaeological Spatial Modelling: a Case Study from Beagle Channel (Argentina)
Bleile, R., C. Meyer
, B. Ullrich Views on “Castrum Cuscin”: Archeology and Archaeometry under Water
Boochs, F., S. Eckhardt
, B. Fischer A PC-Based Stereoscopic Measurement System for the Generation of Digital Object Models
Eiland, M.L.
, Q. Willliams Infra-Red (Reflectance) Spectroscopy of Ceramics from Tell Halawa, Syria
Farinetti, E.
, L. Sigalos Detailed Topography and Surface Survey. What is the Point? Tanagra City Survey 2000
Pavlidis, L., C.S. Fraser
, C. Ogleby The Application of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery for the Detection of Ancient Minoan Features on Crete
Ryan, N.
, M. van Leusen Educating the Digital Fieldwork Assistant
Schryver, J.G.
From Field Books to Powerbook. Computer Applications and the Promontory Palace of Herod the Great
Topouzi, S., A. Tripolitsiotis, A. Sarris, S. Mertikas
, S. Soetens Errors & Inaccuracies in Repositioning of Archaeological Sites
Uotila, K.
, C. Tulkki Three-Dimensional Excavation Plans and 3D Studio Max. Experiences from the Excavations of the Medieval Town of Naantali, Finland
Zhukovsky, M.
Handling Digital 3-D Record of Archaeological Excavation Data