Theme: 09_Cultural Heritage Communication
Jerem, E., Z. Mester
, Z. Vasáros Projects for the Presentation of the Natural and Cultural Heritage in Hungary
Perlingieri, C.
, N. Lanieri Communication in Archaeology. The use of Multimedia Devices in Communicating Ancient Pasts
Biehl, P.F.
Communicating Archaeology via Multimedia. Multimedia Archaeology in Goseck, Germany
Leboeuf, D.
Heritage Communication through New Media in a Museum Context
Vatanen, I., H. Lehtonen
, K. Uotila Digital Paths to Medieval Naantali
Pujol, L.
Virtual Reality as a Learning Tool for Archaeological Museums
Baruch, Y., R. Kudish-Vashdi
, L. Ayzencot The Jerusalem Archaeological Park Website Project
Mom, V.
PRAGRIS – Praetorium Agrippinae Roman Information System