Theme: 01_GIS Category
Bellavia, G.
Extracting “Natural Pathways” from a Digital Elevation Model. Applications to Landscape Archaeological Studies
Börner, W.
2000 Years of Town Planning in Vienna
Cerasetti, B.
A 5000-Years History of Settlement and Irrigation in the Murghab Delta (Turkmenistan). An Attempt of Reconstruction of Ancient Deltaic System
Constantinidis, D.
Building, Building on the Wall … A Reflection of Actual Building Dimensions?
Dyson-Bruce, L.
Historic Landscape Assessment: the East of England Experience
Grau Mira, I.
GIS Approach to Iberian Iron Age Landscape in Central-South Valencia Region (Spain)
Haskiya, D.
Developing an Information System for Archaeological Sites and Monuments – Data Model and Construction
Higginbottom, G., K. Simpson
, R. Clay Using Viewsheds Wisely: Developing Sound Methodologies from Spatial Analyses of Megalithic Monuments in Western Scotland
Indruszewski, G.
Reconstructing the Seascape at the Mouth of the Oder. Elaboration of a DBM-Model Based on 1912-Soundings
Johnson, I.
, A. Wilson The TimeMap Kiosk: Delivering Historical Images in a Spatio-Temporal Context
Kamermans, H.
The Answer is Blowin’ in the Wind. Research Desires and Data Possibilities
Laurenza, S.
, S. Pornet-Laurenza A Hundred Years of Lake Contour Fluctuation in the Hamun-i Helmand: a GIS Based System for the Study and the Recovery of Archaeological Information in the Iranian Sistan (1899-1999)
Laurenza, S.
, C. Putzolu From Stratigraphic Unit to the Mouse: a GIS Based System for the Excavation of Historical Complex. The Case Study of Pompeii
MacDonald, K.
Statistical Analysis of the Distribution of Modern Primates: a Comparative Approach to the Spatial Analysis of the Palaeolithic
Nigro, J.D., W.F. Limp, K. K. Kvamme, D.J. de Ruiter
, L.R. Berger The Creation and Potential Applications of a 3-Dimensional GIS for the Early Hominid Site of Swartkrans, South Africa
Pescarin, S.
GIS Contribution to Urban History and to the Reconstruction of Ancient Landscape
Soetens, S., A. Sarris, S. Topouzi
, A. Tripolitsiotis GIS Modeling of the Minoan Peak Sanctuaries of East Crete
Whitley, T.G.
Modeling Archaeological and Historical Cognitive Landscapes in the Greater Yellowstone Region (Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho, USA) Using Geographic Information Systems
Zafiris, N.
, D. Brokou GIS and Space Analysis in the Study of the Hospitallers’ Fortifications in the Dodecanese